Thursday, February 28, 2008

East Africans Fail to Remove Technical Market Access Barriers Amongst Themselves, Despite Adverse Impact on Trade Flows

East Africa: Remove Trade Barriers

The Citizen (Dar es Salaam)


11 February 2008

Posted to the web 12 February 2008

A workshop was told In Dar es Salaam recently that no member of the East African Community (EAC) has removed non-tariff barriers. This is despite approval of the EAC Council of Ministers that partner states form committees to oversee the issue.

Formation of the national committees was an attempt to address the problem of non-tariff barriers on trade which would now be removed in order to make the movement of goods between member states smooth.

We are a bit perplexed why partner states have not taken steps to implement such an important issue which affects the trade pattern of member states.

For, as it is now, there are many impediments towards smooth trade among them. These hinder the movement of goods from one country to another, contrary to the very purpose of forming the EAC.

Leading forms of barriers include police road blocks, standards requirements, customs procedures, documentation and poor application of the rules of origin.

It is disheartening that while other economic blocks take steps towards closer cooperation the EAC seems to be marking time. And with the turmoil in Kenya it is anybody's guess if member states will ever take steps to implement the resolution of the EAC council of ministers. Let's wait and see.

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